Milner Court

Full information about Establishment Milner Court at 110 Saint Andrew's Road, Birmingham, England B9 4NA. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


110 Saint Andrew's Road, Birmingham, England B9 4NA
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+44 121 772 3098


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Milner Court

Reviews about Milner Court

  • Andy Jones
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    If you are reading this review then you are either a young person who has become homeless or you are a family member of that same person. I hope this small review answers some questions.

    When you first arrive, an interview with a staff member is set up who will go over the rules of the hostel with you. They will ask you about your problems and can arrange support for you. Benefits help is here too if you need it. If things are bad at home they can offer mediation to patch up broken down relationships with your family. If you have a drug, gambling or alcohol problem support is available for that too. Be as honest as possible. Everything is confidential and the staff are very understanding and friendly. There is no problem that the staff won't be able to help with.

    After the initial interview you are then given a room with a bed and bed clothing as well as a wardrobe space and a chest of drawers. My advice is to either bring a television with you or buy one when you get paid.

    There is a television room upstairs with a DVD player which is very rarely busy but keep in mind that you have to share this with others. There is a full size pool table downstairs alongside full size table football. These are both free to play. Computers are available to use upstairs in the daytime too.

    There are frequent resident meetings where suggestions can be made to staff. Fun activities occur regularly such as go-karting at the local go-kart track and pool tournaments using the in house pool table. There are educational courses available here too so make sure to take advantage of these.

    When I first arrived here I thought there was nowhere to go in my life. Now I am a productive member of society with a wife, house and a child. If you take advantage of the services here then you will leave here a better person and maybe even an NVQ or life skills certificate.

    The service provided here is fantastic. Without their help I wouldn't be where I am today. I hope they can help you the same way they helped me. Follow the rules, be friendly and you won't have any problems here. Keep your head up and take care!
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